
Updated on 07/23/2024
The Arete Prep 2024 fall sports season is nearly upon us. Registration is live and will remain open for high school until 8/12 and middle school until 8/19. Late registrations may not be accepted. Please be proactive in registering for fall athletics. It helps us to measure interest, number of teams, staffing, and facilities. Use the following link to register:
Please be proactive about getting your Sports Physical from your family doctor, an urgent care, or CVS type clinic. A physical dated 3/1/24 or more recent is acceptable for fall sports.
AIA Physical Forms:
***NO PHYSICAL IS needed for Archery***
PAYMENT: is due before game participation begins.
Pay for fall sports here:
MS Sports:
24-25 Fall Middle School Sports (
HS Sports:
24-25 High School Fall Sports (
***The price for cheer is still TBD and will be communicated at a later date. Please register for cheer and payment will be taken care of at a later time***
AIA and GHMSL Important Dates:
HS Football and Cheer: first practice 7/29
HS Cross Country: first practice 8/5
HS Volleyball: first practice 8/12
MS Cross Country: first practice 8/12
MS Volleyball and MS Flag Football: practices begin week of 8/19, first competitions week of 9/3
Archery 101: Start Date 9/3
More specific start dates, and sport specific information, including team communication apps, will be available in the near future. Sport specific questions can be directed to our coaching staff, using the following directory:
Athletic Director: Todd Conklin;
MS Flag Football: Coach Ryan Haldemann
MS Volleyball: Coach Kim Jarman;
MS Cross Country: TBD
HS Cross Country: Coach Greg Nickerson;
HS Football: Coach Mike Marino;
Fall Archery: Coach Matt Hendricks;
Girls Varsity Flag Football: Coach Jason Bellomy;
Cheer: Coach Sirinna Pabin;
Varsity Volleyball: Coach Arikah Kiyanni-McClary;
Welcome Archway 4th and 5th graders and families! 4th graders are eligible to compete in our Archery program, and 5th graders are eligible to participate on select Prep teams throughout the year. Due to high participation numbers, safety, and logistics, some sports, such as volleyball, will remain open to only grades 6-8. We look forward to welcoming some of our 5th grade student athletes and families into our programs!
Sports offered for fall 2024 include:
Middle School: Grades 5-8
Cross Country (Coed, Grades 5-8)
Flag Football (Coed, Grades 5-8)
Volleyball (Girls, Grades 6-8)
Archery 101 (Coed, Grades 4-12)
Cheer (Grades 6-12)
High School: Grades 9-12
Varsity Football
Varsity Flag Football (girls)
Volleyball (girls)
Cross Country (coed)
Archery 101 (Coed, Grades 4-12)
Cheer (Grades 6-12)
All general registration questions can be directed to Athletic Director Todd Conklin (
Follow us on social media (@areteprepchargers) for updates, highlights, and all things Charger athletics.