
Updated on 04/30/2024
Welcome to Arete Prep Chargers Sports Registration.
We know the process of registering for Athletics can be a little overwhelming, so we hope that these tools will help make the process simpler than it’s been in the past! We do have a new system this year, which is a bit of a learning curve, but it will make all things athletics easier in the future once the initial accounts are set up!
In order to register, there are 4 main things we need you to do...
1. Create a Big Teams Account for the parent and the student (see instructions below).
2. Get a Physical completed and uploaded to your student's account.
3. Upload or fill out all other AIA forms
4. Pay for registration
We have created a quick video to help with registration, you can view that here.
Registration Video Tutorial- Less then 2 minutes, very helpful!
If you have already registered for a fall sport, and have filled out the forms and physical, please just make sure the winter sport your student is registering for is checked in their account, and then pay for their sport through the configio link below.
Each student and parent need to have separate accounts and both the parent and student must sign the forms digitally. (only one parent needs to create an account, but if you have multiple students, they will need their own account)
This means you will more than likely be maneuvering between two accounts during this process.
Pro tip: Have two computers (or phones - although it's easier to do on the computer) set up and do it at the same time with your student next to you. Both log into your account and finish the process together. It shouldn’t take too long this way!
Here is a video to help clear things up on how to create & link a student/parent account. (I suggest watching the video, as it does walk through the steps and gives great information on how to set it all up).
Our website to register is If you click on “online registration”, it will take you to our Arete Prep online registration page.
If you have any other questions on how to do this, after watching this video, please feel free to reach out to Coach Conklin (
You can download the AIA physical forms packet here:
The most important part of this form is Page 5, and it must be filled out and signed by a doctor. You can get this scheduled with your family doctor, an Urgent care, or even some CVS clinics will do these. Just call and get an appointment scheduled so that you have it in time for tryouts!
Create a digital copy (scan or take a picture) and log into your Arete Prep student Registration site to upload the document.
There are 6 forms that need to be filled out on the registration page. You can fill most of them out digitally or upload the forms if you already filled them out via paper and have them as a digital copy.
For the actual Physical, please make sure to upload the document signed by your doctor in the “physical exam” section. (this can sometimes be confusing, so please look for the physical exam - NOT physical history form - and make sure it’s uploaded).
If you have already finished all of the other forms, you will be all set. If not, please either digitally finish the other forms on the site OR you can upload the forms via pdf or jpg.
PRO TIP: If you have already filled out everything on the AIA form, you can scan the entire packet and just upload that document multiple times in each section (we do have to have each section filled out).
Pay for Competition Archery Here
*Competition Archery is NOT open to all students. Please wait to pay if you are unsure your student will be part of the team. A physical is NOT required for Archery.
Winter Sports Offered for 2022
MS (Grades 5-8)
Start Date: Week of 11/7
Soccer (boys and girls)
Softball (please use this link to sign up and express interest!)
Archery- Competition Team
HS (Grades 9-12)
Start Date: Week of 10/31
Soccer (boys and girls)
Basketball (boys and girls)
Archery- Competition Team
Sport and team specific start dates, calendars, and more team info will be available soon. General athletics and registration questions can be directed to Athletic Director Todd Conklin (
Todd Conklin
Athletic Director